EDS white paper
The new integrated online continuous substation diagnostic system: system description and results.
The installation of EDS system in the Italian Transmission
Company 380 kV substation.

The Italian Transmission Company (TERNA) since several years has been trying to implement an integrated on-line diagnostic system of their substation apparatus in order to reduce maintenance time and increase the life time of their asset. To implement this system, TERNA needed to obtain some signifi cant parameter data from the various substation apparatus: the main desired goal of the system is to generate alarm signals if preset thresholds are passed and predict faults before a long outage occurs.
The system should also be able to act as the most important tool to manage condition base and preventive maintenance in HV substations.
ISA has developed this system in cooperation with TERNA. This paper deals with the development, the installation in Terna’s 380 kV Lacchiarella substation, in Milano region and the results achieved by EDS system.