Model 1200B
GNSS Synchronized Clock
The Arbiter Systems®, Inc. Model 1200B GNSS Synchronized Clock is a multi-satellite system (GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/BeiDou) timing source for precision timing applications. Designed with the advanced features of our 12xx line of clocks to give optimum performance without a holdover oscillator at an economical price. The Model 1200B is compatible with Arbiter’s earlier clock models, supporting the standard options and outputs, while enabling the transition to a modern design.

The Arbiter Systems®, Inc. Model 1200B GNSS Synchronized Clock is a multi-satellite system (GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/BeiDou) timing source for precision timing applications. Designed with the advanced features of our 12xx line of clocks to give optimum performance without a holdover oscillator at an economical price. The Model 1200B is compatible with Arbiter’s earlier clock models, supporting the standard options and outputs, while enabling the transition to a modern design.
The Model 1200B has eight status LEDs, an LCD setup/status back-lit display, and a keyboard. The Model 1200B comes standard with 72 receiver channels, capable of tracking GNSS satellites simultaneously, providing optimum performance. The Model 1200B has 200 ns worst-case accuracy to meet the requirements of a broad range of applications from relay synchronization to synchrophasor timing. In addition to enhanced performance, Arbiter Systems’ new security feature provides six levels of user security selectable from Level 0 security (none) to Level 5 security (front panel display, keyboard, and legacy serial commands disabled).
Three pluggable terminal strip outputs (jumper configurable) provide IRIG-B unmodulated, 1 PPS, Programmable Pulse or Event Input. A modulated IRIGB output is also available on the center pluggable terminal strip output. These outputs are configurable to provide 5 V CMOS bus drivers (± 75 mA drive capability) or 1 watt power dissipation open-drain FET (excludes IRIG-B modulated) or 4 Vpp, 20 ohms source impedance (IRIGB modulated only) drivers. An event timer channel with 100 ns resolution is standard. This function may be driven by the start bit of a received character on the serial port or an external 5 V CMOS/TTL signal at one of the terminal strip connectors, jumper-selectable. The Model 1200B comes standard with two DB-9 serial communication ports. One also provides an RS-422/485 transmit only driver and a programmable pulse output.
An SPDT (form C) fail-safe relay is also included and is configurable to Out-of-Lock, Fault, Alarm, Stabilized, or Programmable Pulse. The Model 1200B accepts one or two power supplies in a redundant configuration. Standard power options include an 100 Vac to 240 Vac/100 Vdc to 350 Vdc or 22 Vdc to 67 Vdc supplies with secure terminal strip inlets and surge-withstand capability. The surgewithstand network is designed to meet ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1 and IEC 61000-4 specifications. Available options include Four Additional Configurable Outputs; High Drive IRIG-B Outputs; Power System Time, Frequency, and Phase Monitor; NTP/PTP Server; Four BNC Output Connectors (parallels main outputs).