Model 1201B/C
GNSS Synchronized Clock
The Arbiter Systems®, Inc. Model 1201B/C GNSS Synchronized Clock is a multi-satellite system (GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/BeiDou) timing source for precision timing applications. Arbiter’s next-generation substation clock provides enhanced performance and security (EPS) while supporting the standard outputs and popular options of our existing clocks. EPS benefits include multisystem timing sources, standard holdover oscillator, multiple levels of security, secure communications, and anti-spoofing technology. The Model 1201B/C is compatible with Arbiter’s earlier clock models, supporting the same legacy options and outputs, while enabling the transition to a more secure device.

The Arbiter Systems®, Inc. Model 1201B/C GNSS Synchronized Clock is a multi-satellite system (GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/BeiDou) timing source for precision timing applications. Arbiter’s next-generation substation clock provides enhanced performance and security (EPS) while supporting the standard outputs and popular options of our existing clocks. EPS benefits include multisystem timing sources, standard holdover oscillator, multiple levels of security, secure communications, and anti-spoofing technology. The Model 1201B/C is compatible with Arbiter’s earlier clock models, supporting the same legacy options and outputs, while enabling the transition to a more secure device.
The Model 1201 is available in two models, the Model 1201B and the Model 1201C. The Model 1201B has eight status LEDs, an LCD setup/status back-lit display, and a keyboard. The Model 1201C adds a large (20 mm or 0.8 in) LED time display. Both versions have 72 receiver channels, capable of tracking GNSS satellites simultaneously, providing optimum performance. The Model 1201B/C has 100 ns worst-case accuracy to meet the requirements of a broad range of applications from relay synchronization to phasor timing. The standard holdover oscillator maintains accuracy of 1 ms/day when not tracking satellites. In addition to enhanced performance, Arbiter Systems’ new EPS technology provides six levels of user security selectable from Level 0 security (none) to Level 5 security (front panel display, keyboard, and legacy serial commands disabled).
Spoofing concerns are a thing of the past with patent pending anti-spoofing algorithms, multi-system satellite tracking, and holdover oscillators that limit the time error to the holdover oscillator specification. If spoofing is suspected/detected, the user is alerted by the ALARM indicator.
Three pluggable terminal strip outputs (jumper configurable) provide IRIG-B unmodulated, 1 PPS, Programmable Pulse or Event Input. A modulated IRIGB output is also available on the center pluggable terminal strip output. These outputs are configurable to provide 5 V CMOS bus drivers (± 75 mA drive capability) or 1 watt power dissipation open-drain FET (excludes IRIG-B modulated) or 4 Vpp, 20 ohms source impedance (IRIG-B modulated only) drivers. An event timer channel with 100 ns resolution is standard. This function may be driven by the start bit of a received character on the serial port or an external 5 V CMOS/TTL signal at one of the terminal strip connectors, jumper-selectable. The Model 1201B/C comes standard with two DB-9 communication ports. One also provides an RS-422/485 transmit only driver and a programmable pulse output.
An SPDT (form C) fail-safe relay is also included and is configurable to Out-of-Lock, Fault, Alarm, Stabilized, or Programmable Pulse. The Model 1201B/C accepts one or two power supplies in a redundant configuration.
Standard power options include an 85 Vac to 264 Vac/100 Vdc to 350 Vdc or 22 Vdc to 67 Vdc supplies with secure terminal strip inlets and surge-withstand capability.
The surge-withstand network is designed to meet ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1 and IEC 61000-4 specifications. Legacy options available include Four Additional Configurable Outputs; High Drive IRIG-B Outputs; Power System Time, Frequency, and Phase Monitor; NTP/PTP Server; Four BNC Output Connectors (parallels main outputs).