Multifunction Transducer MT440

  • Voltage and current auto range measurements up to 600V, 12.5A
  • Universal wide auxiliary power supply range 24 – 300 Vdc, 40 – 276 Vac
  • Power accuracy class 0.5 (EN 60 688),
  • Up to four I/O modules (analogue out, pulse out, alarm out, general purpose digital out)
  • Sophisticated analogue out; 2 voltage and 4 current ranges, non-linear characteristics …
  • Simple USB setting without auxiliary power supply

MT440 are intended for measuring and monitoring singlephase or three-phase electrical power network. They measure RMS value by means of fast sampling of voltage and current signals, which makes instruments suitable for acquisition of transient events. A built-in microcontroller calculates measurands (voltage, current, frequency, energy, power, power factor, THD phase angles, etc.) from the measured signals


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