
Battery Test System
Electrical power plants are normally equipped with batteries of different types and regular test according to international standard are requested in order to assure the standby power for relays, circuit breakers, measuring equipment and telephone exchanges.

  • High power battery capacity test system
  • Discharging current up to 1300A with external loads (up to 9)
  • Graphical display showing test parameters, curves and results
  • Internal memory
  • Light and easy to carry, with handles and wheels
  • Shunt or clamp metering of an additional current
  • Suitable for all battery types

The most reliable method for the determination of battery capacity is to perform a discharging cycle periodically.
BTS 200 MKII allows to perform such test combining efficiency with portability. It can test any type of battery with a discharging current op to 1300A with external loads.

Maximum discharging current with BTS 200 MKII

  • It is possible to parallel up to 9 external loads ELU 200 MKII.
  • The test set shows on the large back-lighted LCD display the following parameters:
  • Battery voltage;
  • Minimum voltage threshold (adjustable),with automatic stop;
  • Discharging current, power or profile;
  • Ah (ampere-hour) discharged;
  • Test time duration with automatic stop at time out;
  • Test conditions are all displayed;
  • Discharging curve is displayed;
  • Test parameters are entered via the functional push button and the graphical display on the front panel.


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