Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software for STS equipment
- Software module optionallly included in TDMS, Test & Data Management software package, for the remote control of STS family test equipment
- Possibility to create test plan and sequence of programmed tests
- Possibility to drive STS and TD 5000 test sets remotely from PC
- Automatic results assessment
- Automatic generation of test plans
- Database and storage features: test results can be saved, printed, stored, recalled and arranged in reports
- Test report creation
- Secure access by password.

PADS is an optional additional module included in TDMS, Test & Data Management Software, a powerful software package providing data management for acceptance and maintenance of testing activities. Electrical apparatus data and test results are saved in the TDMS database for historical results analysis.
TDMS database organizes test data and results for the majority of electrical apparatues tested with ISA test sets and related software.
PADS – Power Apparatus Diagnostic Software is a powerful software application, optionally included in TDMS software
package, that allows the remote control of the STS family: STS 5000, STS 4000, STS 3000 light. These devices allow performing tests of: CTs, VTs, PTs, CBs and almost all other power devices in electrical substation.
The software performs various tasks, such as:
- Control STS and TD 5000 from PC
- Create test plan
- Download stored test results via Ethernet connection
- Create and customize test reports
- Print test results
- Open and save results in TDMS database.
This program runs under Windows© environment.